A2LView is a content plugin for Total Commander(*). Total Commander is a file manager for Windows.
One of its features is the support for plugins. Lister system plugins will be loaded in lister (F3 or Ctrl+Q in Total Commander)
to show special file contents. This plugin is intended to display information about AoE2 recorded games as well as scenario files.
Supported extensions are .mgl, .mgx, .mgz, .scn, .scx (AOK, AOC & AOFE recorded games of any version, AOK & AOC scenario files).
With Total Commander 6.5+, just open archive and TC will install this plugin automatically.
It is possible to add a comment into recorded game. This feature is not supported for scenario games. It is recommended to
backup file before adding comment. The picture below shows how such comment can be read from the game.

Some of the alternatives to Total Commander:
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